Much like safety, security issues take many forms. Everything from locking up your facilities at night to the potential for your employees to experience violence and many things in between. Understanding your security threats may begin with a full security assessment of your facilities. We can help to bring your security concerns into focus and create plans for security improvement.
Safety and Security Assessment of Facilities
Homicide has for many years been the leading cause of female fatalities in the workplace. Although true about occupational female fatalities, according to NIOSH, male workers have more than three times the risk of being victims of work-related homicide. In other words, more males are fatally injured by other means in the workplace than females overall. However, both are at risk of violence of various types.
Your facility security systems can play an important role in the prevention of workplace violence. Entertain Safety is experienced and qualified to perform comprehensive analysis of your facility(s) to determine strengths currently employed and weaknesses that may be exploited by those meaning to do harm.
A simple approach to improving security at your facility(s) is allowing employees trained in the safe carry and use of firearms to concealed carry while at work. [Entertain Safety employs certified handgun instructors to create confident, competent, and capable firearms owners. If this is the right approach for your organization, we can help ensure safety is paramount where firearms are concerned.] A potential violent offender is much less likely to attack at your facility(s) if they know the odds are stacked against them. That’s just common sense. However, we recognize it’s not always a practical solution. We know of many practical and affordable solutions to improve your workplace security and harden your facility(s) against violent offenders. Let us analyze your workplace and provide you with peace of mind that you’re doing what you can to protect your workforce.
Facilities Hardening
If you want to make your existing facility(s) less desirable to criminals looking for an easy score, call us to set up an evaluation and plans for improvement.
Internal Response to Security Threats
Run, Hide, Fight is the current best practice for active shooters or other violent attacks in the workplace. Where are your people going to run to? Where will they hide? What will they fight with? How do you account for them when the threat has ended? Pre-planning and training may mean the difference between survival or being a victim. Call us to consult on how we may assist your organization and employees to respond under stress if your workplace faces a threat of imminent violence.
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
If you are planning a new facility, regardless of its nature, the best way to proactively protect your people and your investment from criminals is to build security into the facility and infrastructure. Contact us to learn more about how to build security into your project.
Above and beyond the Emergency Action Plan, employers should also prepare an all-hazards Emergency Response Plan. This plan takes into consideration planning and training for events beyond the employer’s control. Topics include weather, potential for hazardous events near the workplace, e.g., railways, highways, airports, or further upstream, such as supply chain disruptions, and other conditions that may affect the organizations’ ability to function as normal. Crises management and recovery operations should also be considered within this plan. See our section on Emergency Response and Crises Management Plans for more details.