Safety Measurement
We are Certified Safety Professionals
Does your organization suffer losses due to injury accidents? Are you worried that bad things could happen and want to act proactively to prevent them? Do you have a nagging feeling that something could be wrong with the way your organization approaches safety, but you can’t quite put your finger on the problem? We at Entertain Safety are experts in cutting through the noise and clutter and getting to the root cause of your anxiety by employing proven methods of identifying potential threats to safety.
Safe Perception Surveys
A common question industry leaders ask themselves’ post-accident is “what were they thinking?” Would you agree it’s important to know what employee attitudes about safety are before the bad thing happens? Safe Perception Surveys custom designed to fit your organization are how to accomplish this. They aid you in understanding how your attitude about safety is perceived in minds of your employees. They also allow you to gauge how your actual safety culture fits your assumptions about safety.
Being pre-informed about your safety culture is being pre-warned about how to avoid costly mistakes that result in serious injury, fatalities, or other significant losses.
Safe Behavior Sampling
By combining the science of behavior psychology with our proprietary quantitative data collection and analysis processes, we identify at-risk behaviors that lead to accidents. This allows our clients to identify potential accidents and prevent them from occurring. Where our safety principles have been applied, Worker’s Compensation and General Liability claims have been dramatically reduced. Through the proper use of behavioral science, one can foresee and prevent many accidents before they occur.
An axiom of risk management is that the best way to predict future accidents is through analysis of historical accidents. In fact, this is how most organizations measure their safety performance. By counting failures. The unfortunate reality is that claim numbers and injury rates have questionable statistical validity and do little to prevent reoccurrence if not acted upon.
Entertain Safety provides behavior-based safety services specially designed to improve organizational safety cultures and reduce losses. Safe Behavior Sampling is the most efficient and expedient method of improving safe performance of frontline employees and identifying training failures before injury incidents happen.
Complete Comprehensive Safety Audits
A Complete Comprehensive Safety Audit is a formal audit process where our organization and yours co-create audit criteria and a schedule of events to take place over a predetermined timeframe. This is an excellent way to measure your safety compliance and performance.
A sample of what could be audited include:
- Safety Training
- Occupational Injury/Illness Recordkeeping
- Walking/Working Surfaces
- Chemical Use and Hazard Communication
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Fall Prevention/Protection
- Machine Guarding
- Lockout/Tagout
- Housekeeping
- Materials Storage
- Electrical Safety
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Noise and Hearing Conservation
- Respiratory Protection
- Confined Spaces
- Emergency Response Plan
- Fire Safety
- Ergonomics
- Powered Industrial Trucks
- Employee Safe and At-Risk Behaviors
The above are several of the more common areas audited for. Every organization is different and often include unique hazards that should be included in a formal audit. It is also highly recommended that leadership, management, and employee attitudes about safety be measured during the audit process. If you are ready to take your organization to a higher level of safety performance, a formal safety audit is a great way guide you through the process.
Mock OSHA Safety Audits
If an OSHA safety officer unexpectedly shows up at your facility, there could be several reasons for this, however, they are likely there for one of three reasons:
- They were driving by and noticed a hazardous condition that presented imminent danger at your facility;
- Your business has gotten their attention due to high occupational injury/illness rates that you are required to report; Or,
- They have received complaints from your employees about hazardous working conditions or other serious safety violations.
OSHA officials typically follow a certain protocol during spontaneous visits such as an opening conference with your designated employee(s), a walk around inspection of your facility, confidential interviews with employees of their choosing, and a closing conference. Any regulation violations they notice during their visit will likely result in citation(s).
If you’re interested in how your facility would fare during such an occurrence, we can set-up and perform a mock spontaneous OSHA facility inspection and alert you to what they would typically observe and learn during such as visit. The results of this would allow you improve your overall safety performance and be better prepared for an unexpected visit from an OSHA official.
Risk Assessments
Employing this systematic process of evaluating potential risks involved in an anticipated activity or undertaking allows for proactive measures to be put in place to control or mitigate hazards identified during the process. This process includes projected frequency and severity of possibilities before they occur.
Workers’ Comp and General Liability Claims Analysis and Review
Analyzing the outcomes of unsafe conditions and/or behaviors is often the backbone of safety analysis. This is the antithesis of proactively preventing accidents and is sometimes the best way forward when improvement in safety performance is desired. It’s also often used during due diligence of pre-acquisition of corporations. Whatever the situation, understanding the future of losses is an exercise in looking at the past to determine the future if all things stay the same.
Ergonomics and Human Factors Assessments
Reoccurring soft tissue injuries in your workforce could be caused by how employees engage their work. If your organization suffers from a high frequency of vague soft tissue injuries, it’s likely related to how the human body performs work when interfaced with varied machinery. A comprehensive study of ergonomics and human factors in your workplace may be warranted to identify and correctly improve what your employees’ bodies experience while performing their work.
Accident/Incident Investigations
Forensic Investigations has been one of our mainstays for over twenty years. Whether you need an uninterested third-party analysis of serious incidents, or you want your own team trained to perform Root Cause and/or Failure Modes and Affects Analysis we are experts in this field. Understanding how employee decisions and behaviors lead to failures is critical to ensuring serious injury causing and/or property damaging incidents do not reoccur.