We are Certified Safety Professionals
Are your employees actively working to prevent injuries and accidents? Do your employees have a high degree of job satisfaction? Do you have a desire to create a safe culture within your organization? Being experts in safety and organizational psychology and development, we at Entertain Safety have successfully tackled all these issues and more. By engaging Entertain Safety you are on your way to safety excellence and success!
Safety Leadership Training
Our Safety Leadership Training is designed to improve your bottom line through safety performance. Accomplishment of this requires educating top management through frontline supervision how to fully integrate safety into your organization. This means creating a culture where accidents are viewed as intolerable and preventable, and where safe is “how we do it,” because it’s the right thing to do.
An organization serious about reducing losses must first understand why they are occurring. This calls for the management team confronting the reality of safety within their organization; because management, more than anything else, influences employee decisions and the organization’s safety culture.
Consider that a leader’s sole responsibility is ensuring the success of those they lead; outcomes otherwise will be undesirable. Our Safety Leadership Training ensures understanding that safety pays dividends, improves the bottom line, and is critical to the success of the business.
Safety Integration
A healthy safety culture is only possible when safety is integrated as an inseparable part of the business, woven into the very fabric of the culture. Safety must be a shared belief rather than a set of programs superimposed as rules and regulations.
Imagine your organization as a place where employees hold themselves and others accountable for safety performance. If you can imagine it, we can make it real. Entertain Safety helps to reduce losses by improving safety cultures.
No matter if it’s knowledge mined from your employees during our Safety Leadership Training or exhibited through observable behaviors; the bottom line is this, where our safety principles have been applied, losses of all types and accidents and incidents have been dramatically reduced.
Emergency Response and Crises Management Plans/Training
The best thing to do after a disruption in normal operations is to get back to business as usual as soon as possible. The best way to accomplish this is to plan and train for the eventuality of varied emergencies that may disrupt your business. How will your business operate during a disaster disruption? Who’s going to be in charge and what is the chain of command? What are the obstacles you may face during your response and recovery from a disaster? Our approach is an all-hazards approach and follows the guidelines set forth by national standards created by FEMA, NFPA and Homeland Security. A simple way to think of it is Plan-Train-Respond-Recover. There are many calamities that may affect your business and the best way reduce your exposure to loss is to plan ahead and train to your plan.
A few of the many considerations are:
- Fires or Explosions
- Building Intruder
- Active Shooter / Weapons Threat
- Bomb Threat
- Hurricanes
- Tornados
- Gas Leak
- Hazardous Materials Leak / Spill – Internal
- Hazardous Materials Leak / Spill – External
- Power / Utility Outage
- Threatening and Violent Behavior / Civil Disturbance
- Medical Emergency
- Accidents, Injuries, Suicide, or Deaths
- Suspicious Packages
- Pandemic
Being prepared for and knowing how your organization will act during unusual or emergency conditions allows for quicker response and faster recovery to get back to normal operations.